This table shows the detailed RVC 2020 subrankings for a particular benchmark.
Format of each entry: rank (original rank) performance.

          kitti_d_abs-error-rel     kitti_d_irmse     kitti_d_si-log     kitti_d_sq-error-rel    
1     BTSREF_RVC     2 (27) 12.42     1 (27) 16.84     1 (23) 14.67     1 (19) 3.12    
2     packnSFMHR_RVC     1 (24) 12.28     2 (31) 17.96     2 (33) 15.8     2 (30) 4.73    
3     RMDP_RVC     3 (34) 22.11     3 (34) 37.62     3 (37) 18.63     3 (33) 7.11    

Last update: 2022-11-04 00:17:18 CET