This table shows the detailed subrankings for a particular benchmark.
Format of each entry: rank (original rank) performance.

          viper_d_irmse     viper_d_si-log    
1     Megatron_RVC     1 (1) 42.22     1 (1) 0.64    
2     MixBins_RVC     2 (4) 82.71     2 (3) 0.89    
3     MonoViT_RVC     3 (5) 162.9     3 (4) 1.24    
4     BTSREF_RVC     4 (6) 187.42     4 (5) 1.41    
5     BIGPRE_RVC     5 (8) 201.36     5 (6) 1.44    
6     packnSFMHR_RVC     6 (9) 201.94     6 (7) 1.46    

Last update: 2022-11-04 00:23:38 CEST